About Blue


Blue is a creator, advocate and tea ceremonialist. Through her online platforms Blue creates approachable content through the lens of connected living with topics including sustainability, slow eco travel, nourished plant-based eating, self cultivation, and mindfulness. She is the author of three digital books; My Essential Vegan which seeks to equip you with the tools to nourish your body with simple and easeful plant-based meals, The Guide To Sustainable Living which seeks to empower you to walk more gently on this earth, and Journal To Self which seeks to guide you through delicious and challenging introspection and inquiry through the practice of journaling. Blue has presented her approach to Earth and Self loving practices through her live talks at locations including Camden Roundhouse, The Southbank Centre and Vegan Campout as well as appeared as a guest speaker and specialist for panel discussions.

In March of 2022 Blue left her life in the city to travel full-time. After going through a difficult time and reaching rock bottom she knew she needed to dismantle the life she had carefully built, pack up, and set sail in search of new experiences, inspirations and purpose. Blue is now a full-time traveler of the Earth and continues to share her messages through eco travel, slow living, and personal adventure and discovery. She says; “I am no longer speaking for Nature, I am listening to Her so that I can better understand what she needs.”

Tea has become a profound teacher in Blue’s life and through her practice with this plant she has cultivated a deep and authentic connection with Nature and herself. After years of daily practice with this plant, she headed the call to share about The Way of Tea with others and holds space for those seeking a ritual that brings them back to themselves, into the truth of presence, and toward the embrace of Nature as our guide.


“I am no longer speaking for Nature, I am listening to Her so that I can better understand what she needs.”

– Blue Ollis


Blue travels slowly, spending stretches of time in each location, ecologically, choosing greener transport, accommodation, activities and foods, and economically, travel hacking to save money on some of the largest expenses of travel to share how all people, no matter their social class or privilege, can have access to travel and adventure. She is passionate about sharing her experiences through travel as a queer woman of working class background and hopes to see the avenues to travel, exploration, adventure and soul-seeking open up to people of all communities.

Blue was born in London and moved to the California mountains when she was eight years old. She later moved back to London as a young adult and attributes her adventurous spirit to these early experiences of wilderness living. She loves to hike, ski, climb and wild swim as well as paint, write, design interiors, thrift shop, spend time with animals, prepare food, dance, meditate and sit in ceremony with tea (Cha Dao).

She welcomes you to her page and hopes you find connection, inspiration and ease here.