Blue Ollis

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DIY Evening Cleanser | February Flake-Away

In the evenings I love to pamper my skin and combat any irregularities like dryness or imperfections. I have different products depending on how my skin is feeling on any particular day (check out my favourite cleansers here), but sometimes I need something a bit more tailored to my skin's needs. Just
the good stuff with no added perfume, alcohol or preservatives. Oh, and it's so simple!

For the bulk of the cleanser you'll need an oil. Before you freak out, let me tell you that oil is good for all skin types. If you've got oily skin and you strip your skin of it's oils by washing with harsh chemicals and soaps, it will fight back and over-produce to compensate. If you've dry skin, it's pretty obvious that washing with oils is going to do you good and bring back your supple skin that's hiding underneath. If you have combination, you're benefitting from both sides. You can use whichever natural oils you like but I opt for organic sweet almond oil for it's dark-circle eliminating properties and it's best for oilier skin-types.

Other good oils for a cleanser include:

Olive oil (dry, sensitive skin)
Hazelnut oil (oily, ageing skin)
Avocado oil (combination skin - also great for treating eczema)
Grapeseed oil (sensitive, acne prone skin)
Hemp Seed oil (sensitive, acne, dry skin - also suitable for treating eczema and psoriasis)

Although cleansing purely with a single oil is great for your skin, to give it an extra kick by adding essential oils to your base will help target your problem areas (oiliness, dryness, acne, irritations). I log to add lavender oil to calm and sooth my skin in the evening and vitamin E oil to replenish moisture and help heal any imperfections or hyperpigmentation. Here are some great essential oils to add to your cleanser:

peppermint - contains menthol that nourishes dull skin, anti-bacterial to keep blemishes at bay, controls excess oil, great for combating blackheads.
coconut - anti-bacterial for spot-prone skin, moisturising for overly dry skin.
tea tree - antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-microbial so is perfect for quickly healing acne.
ylang-ylang -  perfect for combination skin as it balances overly dry and overt oily skin.
lemongrass - deeply cleansing, great for targeting acne.

For a list of which essential oils are best for your skin type, refer to  this page.

Have you tried cleansing with oil? What's your perfect mix?