Blue Ollis

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Cleansers | It's a Steal

I'm a sucker for a good exfoliator and having oily skin means I'm prone to reaching for something a little more granular. I adore  Ocean Salt by LUSH which, after a minute or so if buffing into the skin, leaves my face feeling softer and smoother than anything else. The avocado butter and coconut oil
deeply moisturises so that the salt crystals can exfoliate without leaving the skin dry or tight. This is a product I have repurchased for a long time and will be keeping in my weekly stash.

Most mornings I like a gentle scrub to slough off any dead skin or residue oil / serum from my nighttime regimen and get my skin prepped for the day. This is a time I want something fairly gentle so not to open my pores up before applying makeup. I love using the  Bioré Warming Anti-Blackhead Cleanser and it's great at unclogging dirt and oil from pores. It contains salicylic acid which is in a lot of high-end anti-blemish products and really does work! The cleanser is targeted at getting rid of blackheads but I reach for it whenever I get a breakout and it clears it right up.

What kind of cleansing post would this be without a cleansing balm? I've jumped straight onto the balm bandwagon and haven't looked back. They're great for getting down into your pores and lifting away dirt and oil, especially when teamed with a muslin (for soft exfoliation) or flannel (for a mini steam). I have tried my fair share of cleansers but I still find myself coming back to the Botanics Hot Cloth Cleansing Balm. It's 97% organic and contains rose hip oil, which is my holy grail ingredient (particularly good if you have an uneven skin tone or acne scarring). Check out my rave about this cleanser  here.

For days I want to give my skin a rest from exfoliants, I like to use the  Una Brennan Vitamin C Cleansing Oil. I love the way it applies like an oil, removing all traces of makeup, including mascara, but as soon as water is added it transforms into a milky cleanser and washes off without the need for a flannel. It's super softening and brightening and would be great for all skin types.

What're your favourites cleansers? Have you tried any of the above yet?