Earth & Self
This space is dedicated to supporting our relationship with this Earth and remembering our innate Selves along the way.
Through Tea may we remember that She and I are the same.
Self sovereignty is a way of living within our own power. It’s a recognition of our individual capacity beyond what we previously believed. It’s a way of taking back our unique personhood and allowing ourselves to unfold into our truest identity. We learn the important principles of reverence and respect, hold fast onto our values and boundaries and soften into acceptance and celebration. All other love-based work stems from this space.
All of our actions have reactions that ripple out further than we can ever see or measure. Considering these reactions throughout our daily lives helps us to better care for and nurture our planet home and therefore ourselves as parts of Nature herself. Coming into not only a logical understanding of our relationship with Nature but a full-bodied remembering that we are Nature is a homecoming.
We share this home planet with many others, all who have equal right to home, safety and care here. In everything we do let us consider the effects our actions will have on others and their homes, families, resources, comfort and fundamental right to life and freedom alongside us on this Earth.
Coming soon…
Shop my ebooks including my plant-based recipe book, my guide to sustainable, low-impact living for beginners and seasoned zero-wasters alike, and my latest offering; a guide to starting your own journaling practice including 100 prompts to help you welcome self-love, connection and a life lead by heart.
“To take the world into one’s arms and act towards it in a soul-filled and soul-strengthening manner is a powerful act of wildish spirit.”