Journal to Self

Journal to Self


Journaling has had a profound impact on my life and it’s something I’ve taken comfort and solace in through many challenging times as well as joyful expression and celebration through many happy moments. Journaling has been an unwavering friend and shown me a way to connect deeper with my Self and the world. You’ll find in this ebook tools to help support your journaling practice that can be helpful when you reach a block, want to reinvigorate your practice or when first starting out and 100 prompts to help you start or enhance your journaling practice for self-love, creativity and a life led by heart.

This is a digital, downloadable product and you will receive the download link to your email address immediately after purchase.

Refund policy: all ebook sales are final and no refunds will be issued. If you have any questions or encounter any issues with your purchase please don’t hesitate to contact me, I will be happy to assist you.

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