Blue Ollis

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How To Make Your Foundation Look Better

When buying a new foundation that promises all we've ever wanted (even skintone, just enough coverage, the perfect satin finish, staying power...), we have such high expectations so it's no wonder we all own 2, 3, 4, even more foundations for different occasions, seasons, even times of the month. But the trick to getting the most out of your foundation is not to slap on and pray, but to take a few extra steps to making sure you get all that you want. Simply, a foundation alone won't give you complexion perfection, but you can step up your base game to seal the deal.

The first and most important step is to start out with a good base. Your skin must be clean and a whistle and smooth and a cucumber (okay, I'll stop with the similes now). Using a warm flannel alongside your favourite cleanser is a great way to sluff off any dead skin without using a harsh exfoliator and will mean your foundation will apply smoothly and evenly. You also want to make sure you've moisturised well with a light cream or gel that sinks into the skin. Something too heavy will make your foundation slip and slide and if it's too light you may end up with dry patches around the nose and chin. Let your skin drink it up before the next step, leaving about 3-5 minutes to let the moisturiser full absorb.

The next step is to prime. Whether you have oily, dry, or combination skin this is an important way to get longevity and evenness as well as minimising pores and fine lines before you've even started applying colour. Grab a primer that suits your needs and gently massage a small amount onto the surface of your skin. I find that if I apply too much it counteracts itself often leaving me with a slip and slide for a completion, so be sure to keep it light!

We're finally onto foundation but there is a best method. Whether it's a BB Cream or something with fuller coverage, it's always best to work in layers. Apply a small amount first just to fade redness and even the skintone. Often you'll find that perhaps this is all you need, but if you want more coverage add another layer or two, buffing it in and building it up. This method will leave your skin looking airbrushed and your foundation will last a lot longer than just slathering it in all at once.

Depending on your skin type, you'll either want to finish it off with a powder (for us oily gals) or a moisturising spray (particularly if you have rough or dry patches). Again, keeping this light is key. I like to powder just where I need it (forehead, around the nose, and chin) and leave the rest of my skin to breathe. A thermal water is a great way to add a little hydration back into the skin and give you that dewy finish. Although it won't increase wear-time (try a finishing spray for this), it'll keep the dryness in check (grab a miniature bottle to keep in your handbag and top up throughout the day!).

So whether you're wearing your old favourite or trying out a new foundation, wearing high-end or a low-budget makeup, these steps will definitely keep your foundation looking it's absolute best and your skin will look in tip top condition. It's super easy to add to any routine... try it out and let me know how you get on!