Blue Ollis

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The Bookshelf | Current Reads

I love to read. It does, however, take a seat on the back-burner when I've got my laptop and good wifi. It's a shame, but I feel this is true of a lot of us. So I am on a little mission to read more. I have recently been on a book binge and have filled my shelves with inspiring books that I cannot wait to plunge into. Having them on display, peering at me from the sidelines is a great reminder to pick them up and delve in.

I am currently immersed in Thrive by Arianna Huffington. After suffering a bought of luck-lustre and confusion about pretty much every aspect of my life, Thrive was one of the books I felt I needed to invest some of my time into. It's a great read about giving yourself time and space to become empowered and... thrive. I'm not quite finished with this one yet, but so far I'm loving the positive energy without the go-getter, type-a personality block I find so off-putting. It's calming, inspiring, and filled with wisdom.

See this content in the original post

Recent purchases also gather along a similar focus - I'm big into self-improvement (not the mushy, sleazy kind...), and finding ways to assess, accept, and better my life from all angles. This sounds pretty serious (and some of it is), but for the most part it's fun and usually quite entertaining. Some other books staring me in the face from my bookshelf are:

  • Zero Waste Home (a book about living economically and sustainably)
  • The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying (need I say more?)
  • #GIRLBOSS (empowering women in their own right)
  • I Am That Girl (discovering your purpose and passion creatively)

I have recently taken to reading in the bath tub (which usually would have consisted of time spent watching documentaries or getting involved in tweet chats... and still sometimes does). Having me-time with no distractions is great for the mind and the body and I definitely feel uplifted and inspired afterwards. I have time to mull over what I'm reading and let it sink in (along with a moisture mask) whilst I soak.

Reading has become self-therapy.

My current goal is to read a book a month (finishing Thrive by April).