2 Handbag Essentials

I confess; I’m a handbag hoarder. I use my handbag as a safety blanket when I’m out and like to feel prepared for anything so I tend to carry more than the usually phone, keys, and wallet. This means I’m always on the look out for multi-use products to lessen my load and I think I’ve found the winning duo.

While I’ve been loving a few lip balms of late (see Lip Balms | February Flake-Away review), the Eight Hour Cream is my on-the-go choice because it also doubles as a cuticle cream. There’s nothing more annoying than getting a nasty hangnail when you’re out in town as it starts catching on everything. Hand moisturisers simply don't cut it when it comes to these little, but very painful, naggles but the thick texture of the Eight Hour cream means it can lay flat while being softened and healed. It’s been a godsend. This cream is good for all things chapped, cracked and damaged, but I mainly use it for lips… and my gosh is it lovely. Whatever condition my lips are in, a little dab of this cream makes them feel soothed, hydrated, and protected instantly. I can really feel it working it’s magic down into my skin and not just sitting on top pretending. It has a slightly odd scent because it’s un-perfumed but that’s easy to get over once you feel how soft and plumped your lips can be.

The Cicaplast Baume is good for pretty much anything and is definitely a handbag staple! It can be used on babies so is perfect if you’re a mother or if you have sensitive skin. It’s perfect for dry and tight skin or even to apply to scrapes and scratches to heel and soothe with it’s antibacterial properties (think a luxe, more absorbent Savlon). After purchasing the larger tube I realised there was a smaller, more handbag friendly one, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to use this guy up in no time anyway before I repurchase in the smaller size.

I feel like superwoman armed with these two lovelies and haven’t needed anything else beauty-wise so can stop rummaging around in the bottomless pit that is my bag.

Have you tried the Eight Hour Cream or Cicaplast Baume yet?
What're your handbag essentials?