Blue Ollis

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Liebster Award

I woke up to an email from a viewer telling me they have nominated me for the Liebster Award. I was chuffed that somebody recognised my blog but hadn't heard of the award before. I soon discovered that it's not an award as such, but it is a good way to pass on the love of blogs and discover new
talent. The bloggers nominated are up-and-comers who you think deserve to be shared and appreciated more.

I was nominated by Chelsea who has a beautiful beauty and lifestyle blog and who has asked me 11 questions to answer in this post. In fact, everything seems to be by the number 11; I must also write 11 questions for 11 other nominees and write a further 11 facts about myself. So here goes:


1. I was born (and live now) in London
2. I lived atop a ski mountain in California (ages 8 to 13)
3. I studied English Lit. and Film at university in Bath, UK
4.  I often think Derren Brown is watching me
5. I have a freckle on the bottom of my left foot
6. I am hypermobile
7. I recharge by spending time on my own
8. I love water and always want to be swimming
9. I enjoy people watching
10. My first name is Sophieblue, but people call me Sophie or Blue for short
11. I'm an Aries 


1. What's the story behind your URL?

I originally wanted Sophie's Choice, but thought the connotations were too sad. Soph's Choices describes what my blog is about; my choices in beauty, health and style. 

2. Where in the world do you live?

London, England

3. Who are your top 5 favourite bloggers?

Estée - is light-hearted and fun and has great taste in beauty products. I always trust her opinion.
Anna - wears neutral, understated makeup and uses a range of products from high-end to high street.
Mikhila - knows which high street products work best, a good place to look for cheaper alternatives.
Ruth - tends towards higher-end products but knows exactly what works and what doesn't.
Kate - is on the ball with new products and trying out a range of items.

4. Who is your favourite fashion designer?

Coco Chanel

5. Which are your most worn shoes?

Overall, my Russell & Bromley brogues because I've had them the longest. Recently, my Gap black boots which go with everything, my Clarkes brown boots which are chunkier and sturdier or my New Balance black 373s which I've only had a week but haven't taken off.

6. What is the beauty thing you suck most at?

I tend not to do much with my hair. I hardly brush it and will either leave it down or bung it up in a ponytail or bun to sport the 'don't-care-'bout-my-hair' look. I don't enjoy doing my hair and I prefer the look of messier, just-out-of-bed hair anyway so can't see this habit changing any time soon.

7. Do you have any advice for new bloggers?

Enjoy yourself! If you like blogging, it'll come through in your posts and your readers will enjoy it, too. There are thousands of bloggers out there so be yourself and let your unique style shine through. Design your blog how you like it, write about what you genuinely like and don't pressure yourself. Keep it fun and you.

8. Do you prefer savoury or sweet foods?

Savoury, definitely.

9. What is your favourite thing about blogging?

It's a great way to output some of my creativity and share it with people who enjoy and appreciate it. I love getting feedback and reading comments, it gives me the incentive to keep going and creates a community of like-minded people.

10. What is the blog you are most proud of?

Soph's Choices

11. What are you listening to right now?

Neighbour's building works and my creaky house.



My Questions

1. What made you want to start blogging?
2. What keeps you motivated to blog?
3. What makes your blog stand out from the crowd?
4. What's your favourite thing about beauty?
5. How would you describe your style?
6. Do you make beauty videos?
7. What's your best beauty advice?
8. If you had to wear one piece of makeup for a month, what would it be?
9. What product have you used the longest?
10. How do you find new blogs to follow?
11. Do you tell people about your blog or is it a secret amongst the community?

If you have a blog and want to answer these questions, too, please do so and comment with a link to your post. I'd love to read it!