Room Decor

January is all about new beginnings; a fresh start. The first step to de-cluttering your mind is to de-clutter your surroundings. I love having a tidy room filled with things that keep me motivated and happy. So here are some snaps from my world to inspire yours.

I keep my desk a place that I look forward to visiting. If I'm not wanting to be there, I won't work very well. So I keep it fresh with flowers and plants, scented with candles and diffusers, creative with personal designs and art works and personal with photographs and memory-filled trinkets. 

Keeping your workspace organised is vital for an uncluttered and focused mind. I keep a notepad and pen on my desk to jot down any thoughts or ideas (writing rather than typing uses a different part of your brain and means you're more likely to remember what you've written and keeps you more creative).
I also have a MUJI desk organiser to store away all of my stationary and electronics so that my desk can be clean and clear, ready for me to work.

For me, it's important to keep my bed fresh, enticing and made. It's the focal point of my room, being slap bang in the middle of it, so when I walk through my door I want to be welcomed into a clean, clear space where I can relax and unwind. I have above it a world map which I have begun to pin in the places I have visited. It reminds me of my visits and to plan more!

I love living plants in my room. As well as looking pretty, it makes the air fresher and cleaner and this peace lily is a great way to circulate and replenish the room's oxygen.

I also love dead flowers, although they're not very feng shui. I love having bits and pieces of my travels and memories dotted around my room. I bought this ceramic wall hanging from a kibbutz in Israel last summer.

Adding low down mirrors adds the pretence of more space. If you have a small room or some blank wall space you want filling, add a mirror; it's uplifting and brightening. 

I love making features of odd corners in my room by hanging up smaller artworks or photographs or hanging some flowers or ornaments. It's a great way to display smaller items without them being overwhelmed by larger wall spaces. Get creative! 

I have the infamous IKEA Expedit shelving unit, which is perfect for storing and displaying all of my knick knacks along with my books. I can easily display my miscellaneous collections to make a feature rather than clutter and my books are organised by theme in different compartments.

I also have a space in my shelf for blankets to wrap up in when I'm chilling on my bed watching a film. They're so beautiful that I didn't want to store them away in my linen closet, so I made a feature of them instead. You don't have to buy things for the sole purpose of decoration... use what you already have and love.

Light is very important. I have numerous lights dotted around my room (fairy lights, angle poise lamps, candles, vintage lamp lights, stringed lights...). I love this angle poise lamp I keep next to my bed. I keep it angled to uplight my wall to give a softer glow to my room and keep a Jaffa Cake wrapper attached for an ambient light at night.

I also love these vintage 50s vanity inspired stringed lights I keep around my head board. They give a very soft, warm light and even look nice unplugged and as pure decoration.

And finally, something silly. Whether your designs are busy and flamboyant or minimalist and chic, it's important to add your own identity and unique character. My room is airy and white with space as a feature rather than something waiting to be filled. So I've dotted around my room things that I love, that are personal to me and some things that are plain silly like this Chinese ornamental balloon elephant.  

How do you chose to decorate your personal spaces?