The Stationery Edit

It may seem quite frivolous but actually having nice things around you that you enjoy using makes work a lot more fun and therefore productive. We all know having a clear desk means having a clear mind and this philosophy is extended to our stationery, too. It's the same principal as going for a
workout; if you have gym clothes that you want to wear, you will (and then hopefully go to the gym in them!). If you have stationery that you want to use, you will. I've always believed that you don't have to settle for nice or practical, you can always have both. So here are a few items I have lying around my desk that help me get down to doing work even when I'm not in the mood.

Why have boring oval paperclips when you can have bunny shaped ones? These were a Christmas gift handed to me along with saying, "These just really reminded me of you". I'm still not totally sure what that means but I'll take it because these are friggin' cute! 

A nice notebook is always a must. I love writing on college-lined paper (and really dislike large-ruled paper) so I stock up on this when I can. I love my yellow Moleskine, which I use for blog and YouTube ideas, but always like a good spiral-bound, too (the one pictured is from Muji - here).

Where there's a pad there's a pen and my favourite pens (other than the good old bic pens) and from Muji. The thinner the better for me so I use the Muji 0.38 pens, which make handwriting beautiful. If you like writing in colour or are super organised and write different things in different colours (yeah, I know) they also have this pen is the nicest shades (yes, it matters).

Sticking with Muji (can you tell I love their stationery?), I also have some origami papers which have beautiful Japanese floral patterns that I know aren't technically work-related but are good to have around to create something with if you're prone to fiddling in meetings or have nervous jitters. (Sorry, I can't find their floral patterned ones, but here are their block colours).

I'm a big fan of brown paper wrapping and a bit of string and tend not to go for the fluffy bows and sparkles when it comes to present wrapping so I was instantly drawn to washi tape a little while back to jazz up my gift wrapping. It's pretty without being in-your-face fancy and I've just seen the loveliest colours and designs. You can pick it up from nearly anywhere in town (mine are from  Butlers and Waterstones).

Are you a stationery addict? What're your desk essentials?