Blogging Goals for 2015

It's that time of year when we all start reflecting over 2014 and decide how we'd like to better ourselves and our lives in the year to come. There are the healthy eating, weight loosing, and career changing cliches that everybody at one point or another sets for themselves, but this year I'm focusing on my online presence.
I find writing my blog (I say writing, but it's really so much more than that as I'm sure you know if you host a blog, too) so therapeutic and rewarding and I'd love nothing more than to see it expand and really come into its own in 2015. I feel that I'm beginning to really get a feel for what I want to see from Soph's Choices and I know that it could be something to be proud of. At the moment it's a bit hit and miss and so for 2015 I want to make it really become something beautiful.

One | Branch Out
I began Soph's Choices with the subheading 'beauty, health, and style' and although these titles are all interchangeable to some extent I would like to see more of an even spread of each. I already post a lot about beauty and am going to focus on branching out into health with food and drink related posts and videos (reviews, recipes, and tutorials). I'd like to see more style-related posts on my blog, too, and these will take the form of anything from outfit and hairstyle posts to home decor and DIY. I could really get creative with this and I'm looking forward to expanding my ideas and what I produce.

Two | Frequency
Keeping blogposts regular. Isn't this just every blogger's constant goal? It's difficult to keep up with everything, especially when the unexpected gets in the way (AKA daily life). I have written myself a schedule which I intend to stick to like super glue and with a fresh start and increased ambition I'm really looking forward to seeing where 2015 takes Soph's Choices.

Three | 3D
We all know social media is a great way to promote and interact but it can seem a little impersonal and forced at times, even with the best of intentions. I'd like to get out of my writing space and connect on a more personal and meaningful level with fellow bloggers and beauty-lovers. I've already booked in a few meet-ups in the new year and I am really looking forward to seeing where that takes me and how it will evolve my blog. An outside perspective, an eye-opening talk, and a like-minded camaraderie away from adding a little spark into Soph's Choices. I'd also like to involve other parties in my website and YouTube channel, bringing something different and fresh to the table. This goal is a little less immediate but all the more important to keep in mind on the journey.

What're your goals for 2015?

Photographed: MAC Russian Red lipstick, Daniel Wellington Classic Sheffield watch, business cards designed by me printed by Moo, MUJI Card Case, bareMinerals The Main Event Ready Eyeshadow 4.0, Moleskine Weekly Planner