30 Days of Yoga TOGETHER!

So today's post is going to be a little different. It's not a review or a how-to but rather a call for all yoga bunnies (or newbies!) who keep finding themselves too busy for yoga every day. We all want to be fitter, healthier, happier with ourselves and our bodies but a lot of us can't quite find the time or motivation to really get stuck in. Yoga is one of my favourite forms of exercise because it quietens the mind and relaxes the body whilst tightening, strengthening, and stretching... well, just about everything. It's perfect for all ages, abilities, body types, and goals.

I recently tweeted asking who would be interested in doing a month of yoga together as an online community and had a great response, which made me more determined to reach out and try to get as many people involved as possible. Doing it together will not only be a great motivation but we will be able to share our experiences, likes, dislikes, improvements, realisations, and more with each other and hopefully learn something new every day. So today I call out to all of you interested in beginning or continuing your yoga practice with an online community. But because I don't teach or have professional training in yoga, we will be using Adriene's videos from YouTube. She has a 30 Days of Yoga course already provided and all we need to do is roll out our mats, click play, and go. We will be sure to target all areas of the body (and if you enjoy some more than others, just save them to 'watch later' so you have a personal course by the end of the 30 days). 

We will be starting with Day 1, of course, and you can fit the practice in anytime of the day. Most of the videos range from 15-30 minutes so it should be easy enough to schedule in. There's no limit to how many times a day you practice (although we will be doing it every day so don't exert or injure yourselves!) and it's best to do the days in order so we're all together and on the same page.

If you're interested in joining us, all you have to do is well, the yoga, obviously, and keep social along the way. Make sure you tweet me pics and let me know how you're getting on @sophschoices with the hashtag #yogatogether and be sure to include @sophieblueollis and the same hashtag in your Instagram photos. 

The starting date will be Monday June 1st so get your mats rolled out and I'll see you then!

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube to stay connected!

I'll be posting daily feedback, tips, and motivation and no doubt sweaty updates and reading and replying to your guy's #yogatogether tweets and keep discussion going!

I'll also be posting photos of everything from my favourite poses and yoga gear to post routine redness-of-face.

I've got a lineup of yoga-esque videos coming your way (new videos every Thursday at 8pm).

Let me know in the comments if you're joining in and let's get chatting!