Blue Ollis

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The 'I Woke Up Like This' Essentials

On those days you're feeling lazy or want to let your skin breathe... or, let's face it, any day we don't really have to wear makeup, it's nice to just put down the slap and go bare. And I don't mean dorn the 'no makeup makeup', I mean truly go bare. Shocking, right? Well, it shouldn't be.

I've been going without makeup more and more which has made me feel better and better about my skin and myself (which could probably be a blogpost within itself) and I've realised that 1) nobody really cares what you look like, 2) your self-confidence will soar, and 3) it's a hell of a lot quicker getting from bed to breakfast in the mornings.

When baring your skin to the world it feels good to know it's in the best condition possible. So after clowning and tonging, use a brightening moisturiser to give your complexion that extra lift and fade dark circles and puffiness. This is the skincare version of a concealer and will make your skin glow. I'm currently using the Origins  GinZing Moisturiser (and loving it, by the way). For something a little more potent, which will target scarring, age spots, and red areas a little more, add a little brightening team under your moisturiser. I love the Indeed Labs Pepta-Bright and over time my skin has become a lot more even (this is almost like the foundation equivalent of the skincare world). A lip balm is key to keeping soft, plump lips which will in turn leave you looking a lot younger and healthier. Come on... nobody enjoys chapped lips.

I'm pretty lazy when it comes to hair and usually end up topping my my no makeup face with a messy bun (just to make sure people know I've really not put any effort in for today). Soaking my roots in dry shampoo and ruffling the end into a top knot within 30 seconds is pretty much my day-off staple. But if you're rocking the naked skin and want to keep it chic and clean (sorry, messy bun, not today), then working with the bed-head look and opting for a little frizz-tamer in the ends will keep it piece-y and elegant and add a little extra shine. I like to use the Bumble and Bumble  Brilliantine which is a light, creamy texture so won't leave your hair greasy or sticky but gives it that extra shine and gloss.