How to Clelebrate Earth Day

Today is Earth Day. It's a great opportunity to spend a little time thinking about the greater world and all that live here. Being mindful about my daily choices and the impact they have is something that's very important in my life. Everything we do has an impact and so to be aware of that can be very educational, humbling, and empowering. Being sensitive of my impact on the Earth is a lifestyle choice, but it's also great to have a day in the year to maintain focus for 24 hours and celebrate the wonder of the world with... the world.

There are many ways to take part (start a recycling method, plant a tree or native flowers, sign a petition in support of the environment) but here are a few different ways to honour Earth Day this year:

be grateful

Focusing your mind on what you are grateful for is a wonderful way to remember what the world has brought you and feed back your thanks. Whether it's food, family, your local park, the sun on your skin, or just being alive, spend a few moments today thinking about what Mother Nature has gifted you. Bringing our focus to the abundance of beauty and nourishment in our lives is something we're not often prompted to do but is incredibly calming and comforting.

be mindful

Keep yourself a little extra mindful of your choices today. Be watchful of what you're consuming, discarding, and producing and keep the health of our planet in the forefront of your mind. It can be all too easy to grab what is convenient, cheap, or habitual but sometimes these aren't the same as what is best for our environment. Making small decisions like not buying bottled water, using our own bags at the grocery store, or walking / cycling / taking public transport over driving make a huge impact.

look around

Whether you're commuting to work, taking the dog for a walk, or heading to the grocery store, look around you. Take in your surroundings, notice the trees, birds, and voices around you – maybe even walk slower or stop altogether and immerse yourself in your surrounding. No matter where you are, the natural world is reaching out to you and all you have to do is look up. Take a deep breath and enjoy it.

go for a walk

Take yourself for a walk through somewhere beautiful – the heath, farm, or seaside – and spend some time in nature. Walk slowly, breathe deeply, and take it all in. If you can't fit a walk into your schedule, head outside for your lunch break and walk through the streets or find a patch of green somewhere to sit and people (or pigeon) watch – and don't look at your phone!

go vegan

Going vegan is the most sustainable way to live and is the most beneficial lifestyle for our planet. Not only is it cheaper to live a vegan lifestyle, it also benefits your health, saves lives, and lowers your carbon footprint. Forget Earth Day... celebrate Earth every damn day! (If you are completely new to veganism or have any questions you can email me at or join the discussion in the comment).


Instead of chucking out that old chair, wonky table, or chipped picture frame, try a little DIY. Breathe a little fresh air into an old item and add a little personality to your space. Not only is this a fun project, you'll get your creative juices flowing and you may just end up with a new favourite centrepiece... oh, and you'll be doing your bit for Earth Day, too!

Happy Earth Day

Joyful joyful we adore our Earth in all its wonderment

Simple gifts of nature that all join into a paradise

Now we must resolve to protect her

Show her our love throughout all time

With our gentle hand and touch

We make our home a newborn world

Now we must resolve to protect her

Show her our love throughout all time

With our gentle hand and touch

We make our home a newborn world