Things to do Less of Every Day

I've collated a list of things to do more of every day – have a peek here – which lets me consider what is important and what needs more attention in my life. Now here is my list of things to do less of in my every day. We're all on a journey and I'm paying more attention to how I spend my time which, in the end, is all I have and what defines me as a person.


  • complaining
  • sweeping judgements
  • making excuses
  • self-deprecation
  • negative-thinking
  • worrying
  • comparison
  • going against my gut / intuition
  • being stationary / static
  • self-judgement
  • negative self-talk
  • grazing on junk foods
  • avoiding other people
  • frowning
  • rushing
  • selfishness
  • distraction
  • giving-up
  • keeping things in
  • assuming
  • putting up a defense
  • hanging on to regret

Let me know in the comments which of these you'll do less of, too, and what you'd add to this list.