5 Minimalist YouTubers to Watch

Minimalism is making a quick and fiery come back with more and more people embracing it and taking it onboard to suit their lifestyle. There are many aspects of minimalism from style and wardrobe, home décor and interior design, diet and health, digital and online minimalism... the list goes on! I've been on a minimalist journey myself, incorporating different aspects into my daily life, and have really enjoyed the process. But, as I'm sure each of us discover, there are times I need a little extra motivation and a reminder of the benefits of the process. 

One of the ways I get this motivation is through watching other minimalists and their journeys on YouTube. It's inspiring to see how other people use minimalism to benefit their lives and hear where they are in their progress and what they are looking into next. Here are 5 of the minimalist YouTube channels I've been loving recently and I hope they bring you inspiration, too:

Jenny Mustard

Jenny's channel always brings me calm with her ethereal voice and ever happy demeanour. She has some great advice on how to transition to a minimalist lifestyle that suits your needs. She's a self-confessed fashion-lover with a clothes collection to die for and always looks like she's walked off a high fashion runway. Everything from her home to her hair is a minimalist's dream and she encompasses true serenity. Although all of her videos are based around minimalism, she has a variety of topics like cooking and recipes, lifestyle tips, style guides and so much more.

Madeleine Olivia

Maddie's channel is a recent favourite but since watching her candid-style videos I've been hooked ever since. She brings back the old-school vibe of YouTube where you feel as if you're just chit-chatting with a friend. Maddie is on a minimalist journey and has been sharing with her viewers how she's de-cluttering each part of her home. This is a great channel to watch if you're just starting out or thinking of down-sizing your belongings as you wont feel intimidated or subpar here, instead you'll feel like you've got a friend along with you offering helpful advice and sharing stories. She's no stranger to struggle in her journey either, and shows everything from the joys and relief of minimalism to the difficulties and frustrations she faces, too.

Raw Alignment

Alyse began her minimalist journey when she moved out of her family home and began her own adventures in Hawaii. She lived on a communal fruit farm for a while, then out of her van and she now lives in a shared space on the island with few enough belongings to fit into a backpack. Her videos are inspirational and cover a variety of topics from self-love, veganism (particularly fruitarianism), fitness and more... all under the umbrella of minimalism.

Use Less

The Use Less channel is all about style, so if you're looking to gain inspiration for your minimalist closet, Signe's channel is where to find it! She pairs classic styles with a modern, fresh edge that'll keep your wardrobe on trend for years to come. No fast fashion here, just good-quality items that'll keep you looking and feeling confident and stylish through the seasons. As Signe herself says, "Style is not about having a lot of clothes. It's about having the right clothes".

Rachel Aust

Rachel's channel focuses on health from fitness and nutrition to a minimalist lifestyle to keep focused and well. Her minimalist home and personal style is ultra modern, consisting of stark black and white tones and clean cut lines. If you're looking for contemporary style inspiration, this is the channel to watch. Rachel has a real 'girl boss' attitude, living and promoting a lean, clean, minimal lifestyle that will get you moving straight away!

These are my go-to minimalists to watch online, I'd love to know who you gravitate towards... let me know in the comments so we can all check them out, too!