30 Day Yoga Challenge ROUNDUP

So the month is over and so is the daily yoga challenge. How are you feeling?

Having my body move every day despite whatever else is going on is wonderful, especially as I work from home and spend a lot of time on my laptop (I’m currently sitting in a tea shop writing this for a change of pace).

After a month of yoga I’ve noticed:

– fewer aches and pains (particularly in the shoulders)

– fewer adjustment clicks (particularly in the neck and back)

– a desire to move more

– improved posture

– heightened body awareness

– less bloating and better digestion

I also wanted to share with you some resources I’ve benefitted from throughout the month. I signed myself up to a local 5-week yin yoga course. Going to a class is completely different to practicing alone at home. As an introvert, being in a room of people with no social pressure to verbally communicate is wonderful. I can be surrounded by like-minded people without having to deplete myself. In fact, I always feel rejuvenated and replenished after these experiences. There is, however, a certain connection that comes from synchronised movement that relaxes and grounds me. Of course there is also the benefit of coming out of your comfort zone and yogic routine and learning something new. If you’re fairly new to yoga this is also a great opportunity to ask any questions and receive feedback and adjustments that’ll help improve your postures and movements.

When I am at home, I like to mix it up between free movement and following a guided video. Some of my favourite resources for this are:

Adriene Mishler

Movement Medicine | Energy Practice

Silke Dewulf

Energising Yoga Class

Boho Beautiful

I hope these YouTubers give you a little inspiration and help you to push yourself a little further.

In conclusion, I’m looking forward to taking my daily practice forward and continue hopping on my mat regularly. I’m particularly excited to advance my handstand… this is something I’ve been challenged by this month and am definitely going to be practicing.

What do you want to see yourself improve?

What benefits have you received from a regular yoga practice?

Will you be continuing your daily yoga practice?

What do you want to work more on / improve?

Have a peaceful week.
