Question Everything

We're born with an innate curiosity; we want to know how things work, why we have different languages, when our bodies will change, who is part of our tribe, what dirt is actually made of. As we grow we ask more questions in an attempt to figure out this big, unknown world around us. We accept this as a part of early learning, but we soon tire of the questions and deem it inappropriate with comments like "just do as I say", "because I said so" and "stop asking questions!"

Soon we learn that asking questions is seen as irritating and even rude. And, to continue the tradition, we treat others who ask questions as irritating and rude. We fight against their questions, often taking them as personal attacks and responding with defensive aggression.

I, for one, have always had a curious and open mind. Thanks to my mother, I was raised to believe the only way to find out about something is to ask questions about it. And what good advice that is! If we're not asking questions, we're left to assume. And we all know what that leads to; uneducated thoughts, miscommunications and a perpetual game of worldwide Chinese Whispers. Friendships end, fights break out, wars are started... and all because we weren't prepared to ask questions.

If we are endlessly met with hostility when asking a question we are, of course, going to be more hesitant the next time and perhaps opt for staying silent for assured safety. But this cycle of fear and assumption can only end when we ourselves open up for better communication. Open your ears to those with questioning souls, speak up when your curiosity takes a hold. Re-train your nurtured instincts to become childlike again. 

Grow your curious soul.

When we begin to allow ourselves to question, we open ourselves up to new connections within ourselves. The questions can flow, both to the outward world and within ourselves. We can ask ourselves "is this what I really want?", "how can I better serve my body today?", "where am I headed?".

Questions are fundamental for growth.

Start by taking a moment to ask yourself questions, big and small. When you find yourself jumping to conclusions, whether it's about a person, motive or situation, slow down and ask if it's really true. If you're unsure, don't assume. Always ask. Ask more questions than perhaps you need to. Get to the reality of a situation before leaping to conclusions. Our minds are good as assuming the worst and we've become accustomed to believing it!

Question everything.

Here are some to start you off:

– how can I honour my needs today?

– what exactly is on my plate? how did it get there?

– why do we perform certain rituals, habits and traditions? could we be better off without them?

– how are my daily actions affecting others (close and far away)?

– what, exactly, is space?

– how might my life be better with less 'stuff'?

– how would it make me feel if I were to forgive that person I've been holding a grudge against?

– do I really need a new phone?

– why do I feel the need to compare myself against others?

– why do I respond with defensiveness when asked questions?

– how can I be a better version of myself?

As an endlessly curious person I find myself asking questions about everything.


 It's vital to my personal growth, compassion and happiness. I find myself with fewer internal conflicts, fewer arguments with others, heightened self-esteem, a more compassionate and positive outlook and a general sense of serenity. I don't have to assume anything. I ask. And if the answers don't come to me, I'm okay with not knowing.