Finding Your Tribe – Making Meaningful Connections Online

Sometimes this modern age can have us feeling a little lost when it comes to making meaningful connections. With the rise and rise of digital media we often find ourselves scrolling through social media platforms, forums and comment sections looking for connection. For someone like us who shares ideals, ideas, passions and perspectives. It can seem like an endless task or begin to feel like we’re the only one like us. But that’s far from the truth… we’ve just been going about it in the wrong ways.

The internet is a wonderful place to meet like-minded souls and people who will open up our worlds and bring a sense of belonging and connection back into our lives. We just have to know where to look.

Over the past year or so I’ve been making more meaningful efforts to connect with others and find something deeper than digital chit-chat. I’ve longed for a tribe who elevate me, ground me, inspire me and challenge me. And that’s when I began taking it seriously.

The internet is not as vast or empty as it seems if you narrow down your search. Look for the people who bring our the best in you, make you feel good about yourself and encourage you to grow and achieve better things. Whether these are people you follow on Instagram or who keep coming up in your Twitter searches… you’re drawing these people into your space for a reason. Reach out.

Alternatively, you may already be communicating with people online but don’t know how to take it to a deeper, more meaningful place. This can feel tricky at first as the blockade of the digital screen can feel cold and inauthentic. That’s why bringing communication to life is a great next step. Arrange a meet-up in person… grab a tea, go for a walk or take them to one of your favourite spots. If you’re further apart or even live in different countries, hop on a call for more of a personal connection.

Making a little extra effort to relieve yourself of your comfort zone and branch out into real-world connections can seem daunting, but the internet has made it so much easier for us introverts, highly-sensitive people and those of us who haven’t found their tribe locally. The people you’ve been beginning to think don’t exist, the ones who are like you, are out there. Reach out and open your world up to finding your tribe.