Energy-boosting Breakfasts

With the dark winter months rapidly closing in, we've all noticed a lull in our energy. So, to make those early mornings a bit less blurry-eyed and a bit more bushy-tailed, I've comiled a few of my favourite energy-boosting breakfast recipes.

When it's early hours and you're in a hurry, the best way to fuel yourself for the day is with a smoothie. Adding a little extra pep in your step with maca, ginseng or chia seeds will make all the difference. 

Here are some recipies I've been loving:

1 banana
1 apple
A splash of lime cordial
1 tbs maca powder
1 tbs sprouted flax
1/2 tbs wheatgrass powder
(Optional: a few dates for a sweeter taste)

Handful of blueberries
Handful of spinach
A glug of grapefruit juice
1/2 tbs spirulina
1/2 tbs wheatgrass
1/2 tbs chia seeds
1/2 tbs sprouted flax
A squeese of honey

2 sticks of celery
Handful of spinach
1 apple
Thumb-sized bit of ginger
1/2 tbs sprouted flax
1 tbs hemp protein
1/2 tbs wheatgrass powder
1 tbs chia seeds
Topped with goji berries 

You can find more recipies on my instagram: sophieblueollis

I have also been loving adding maca powder and chia seeds to pancakes and porridge with a swirl of vegan chocolate spread and sliced banana.

What is your favourite way to start a winters morning?