Face Masks that Work

It seems that there's a never-ending isle of face masks with endless promises to promote youthful, healthy or blemish-free skin. But how do we know which ones do the trick and which are just jumping on the bandwagon? To help, here are my top picks for the face masks that make a visible difference.

Whether your skin is oily, dry, spot-prone or in need of a little pick-me-up, there's a mask for you (so you can stop hiding behind a mask!).

1. Dead Sea Mud

- All Skin Types

I had heard of the wonders of The Dead Sea and it's powerful salt and mineral content and earlier this year I was privileged to go to Israel and experience it.

The Dead Sea's mud is fantastic for treating almost all skin conditions whether you suffer from acne, eczema, psoriasis, ageing or overly oily or dry skin... the list goes on. It's natural salt and mineral content matches no other.
If you don't fancy nipping to Israel for your skin therapy, you can always buy some Dead Sea Mud online (click blue lettering).

2. Spa Magik

- Oily, blemish-prone skin

The Spa Magik Mask is really effective at ridding skin of imperfections and excess oils. It has grains of salt (from it's Dead Sea mud content) that exfoliate to reveal the under layers of softer skin and helps penetrate into small pores. This is my favourite shop-bought face mask and is a staple for anyone with oily or spot-prone skin.

3. Dr. Organic Manuka Honey

- Dry, damaged skin

If your skin is in need of a little more R&R with a more gentle pamper, Dr. Organic's Manuka Honey Face Mask does wonders at gently soothing and restoring. This is a great one if you've had a bought of bad acne that you've tried scrubbing away and need some after care for the dry, flaky skin left behind. The honey softens, re-moisturises and disinfects any sore blemish left behind.

4. Yin Yang Kaolin

- Sensitive Skin

If you have very sensitive skin, Yin Yang's Kaolin mask is the one for you. It includes only a very few ingredients, all of which are natural. It soothes, repairs and unclogs the skin. My face feels at it's softest and most nourished after this mask.