Beauty Shelf

I have a shelf from a old victorian dresser I found at university that's the perfect size to contain my beauty products. My beauty shelf is where I keep all of my products that I reach for all of the time. These are things that work, have made it into my every day routine, and I will repurchase before
empty. Some of these I've been using since I can remember ever putting things on my face. I slightly change my routine depending on how my skin is feeling that day and here are the products I cycle between:

Makeup Removers

I like to remove my makeup before washing my face to let the cleanser fully sink in and remove all dirt and grime from the day. I don't like using wipes because they're too harsh on the skin (most contain alcohol and the actual wipe tugs and damages the skin) so I opt for something more gentle. Bioderma is the best I've found to really melt away even eye makeup without leaving an oily residue (although I am currently trialling the Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water... I'll keep you posted).


The most basic of products. One ingredient. Very affordable. Widely available. Used for centuries. It's a good'un. I use this as a toner after I've cleansed my face and before I apply a serum / moisturiser / treatment / whatever. It closes and tightens the pores while gently disinfecting and calming the skin. It's suitable for all skin types, even sensitive (in fact I'd highly recommend this if you have sensitive or broken skin). You can also use this as a base to your own concoctions, adding essential oils to suit you. I like to add tee tree oil and lavender to ward off breakouts and calm the skin. I decant the witch hazel and any essential oils into my vintage Ol: Lavand: bottle because I find it easier to use, looks prettier, and is an original chemist bottle so suits the product.

This is a great toner for when my skin feels on the brink of a blemish. It's exfoliating, unclogs pores, and reduces excess oils. It can feel slightly drying because it is harsher than a normal toner so once applied I sweep on my usual oils. I'd recommend this toner if you have acne, suffer from regular (perhaps monthly) breakouts or just want another step to combat the odd blemish here and there.

Moisurisers / Oils

La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo+
I like to use the Effaclar Duo+ as a light daytime moisturiser and like the thought of it getting to work on blemishes, hyper-pigmentation, and uneven skin tone under my makeup. I use it every day to ward off blemishes but and when I'm stricken with a breakout it's nice to have a protective layer between my skin and my makeup (I really dislike the feeling of applying foundation over an active blemish).

I've been using Bio Oil for years and I think I love it more and more with each use. It's formulated for scars and marks but works great for just evening out the skin and reducing redness. It's gentle and not as thick as other facial oils so if you're not so keen on sleeping with a film of product on your face this is a great one and suitable for all skin types.

After a bad reaction to medication last year, I was left with some rather unsightly acne scarring. It took over my face and, for some while, my confidence. Even though I was no longer breaking out, my skin was still feeling the brunt of it in the form of little red marks. Over the past few months my skin has been healing and since using rose hip oil the marks have rapidly begun fading and my normal skin is coming back (hallelujah!). For those of you who are suffering from acne scarring or hyperpigmentaion, I cannot recommend rose hip oil more. It'll speed up the healing process like no other. See more of what I think in my Skincare Saviours post here.


Avéne Soothing Hydrating Serum
I bought this serum when my skin was going through a rough patch (when the weather changes my skin tends to play up!) and I needed a little extra boost of moisture without triggering my usual oily complexion. This serum did the trick nicely! I've added it along with my usual routine, applying it after toning and before moisturising. I suavely only use it at night but is completely fine to wear under makeup, too, as it soaks into the skin and feels like you're not wearing it at all. I'm continuing using it though my skin has recovered from being overly dry because I find it helps control excess oils, too, which is great for us oily-skinned girls! It's great for all skin types and because it's Avéne, it's suitable for sensitive skin, too.

For anyone who ever gets spots, you need this in your life. It's the spot treatment of all spot treatments. Sometimes whoppers pop up out of nowhere and you don't have time for a full on steamy bath, exfoliation, face mask session to rid it. That's when this little friend comes in handy. Pop a small amount onto the affected area and wake up to a rather diminished spot. It works best on whiteheads and can even shrink monstrous ones. See more of what I think in my Skincare Saviours post here.

Castor Oil
For anyone who wants longer, thicker lashes or brows (who doesn't, right?), you need to get yourself some castor oil and a clean spoolie / toothbrush. Castor oil is antiviral and anti fungal and gets rid of any little mites that feed themselves on your little hairs. This means they are allowed to grow to their full potential and so become as full and thick as the possibly can be naturally. Check out my full post on getting fuller, thicker brows and lashes here.

What are some of your must-have skincare products?