Oils, Oils, Oils

Oils are a point of contention for a lot of people, often hailed as faultless holy grails and amongst others get a bad rap. For the sceptics out there, let me just start by saying: oils will not make your skin oilier (in fact, they balance your skin oils out by sending signals to your glands saying "there is enough oil... don't send any more!"). Now that's out of the way, we can talk about the good stuff.



oil is my skin's best friend. I first discovered this beauty when I was battling with hyper-pigmentation and scarring after a severe bout of cystic acne due to a hormonal imbalance. Although my skin was clear of active breakouts, the scarring became even more prominent than the spots themselves and my face was a blotchy red mess. After trying all sorts of lotions and potions to tackle it, I had little hope for rosehip oil. But boy did it come through for me! A couple of drops warmed up with my (clean) fingers and massaged over my face felt like a dream and worked miracles. Now my skin is clear, calm, and even. I have lost count of how many bottles I've been through since and I use it every single day. It'g my OGHG (original gangsta holy grail).



 oil is such a great natural oil to slather all over the body and let soak in after a warm bath. It's leaves the skin silky smooth for days and doesn't have any nasties in it. It's also great for removing makeup, adding shine to the end of hair, and whitening your teeth, but I mainly use it as an all-over body lotion. I apply it before bed and in the morning my skin feels amazingly soft and supple... like nothing else can achieve. I love knowing I'm doing my skin good and softening it with natural, organic products.

I've also been loving treating my skin (and nose) to some essential body oils (currently using the 


 gift set). I love rubbing lavender oil over my chest and shoulders to help me relax, restore, and drift off to sleep. It works a dream (pun intended). Arnica is great for post-workout strains and aids in repairing and healing muscles.



 Grow Strong Hair Oil has been a little life-saver. After recently going blonder my hair has been feeling brittle and rough. Not only does the GS hair oil smell deliciously warm and comforting (which I put down to the cedarwood), it feels incredibly nourishing. After just a few days my hair feels and looks healthier than ever. The oil itself is very delicate to the touch and once applied to the hair sits somewhere in between an oil and a dry oil... imagine a satin-finish oil (thank you adaptable lipstick terminology). Having naturally oily hair, I never thought I'd enjoy hair oils but I am a complete convert after this product. 

*Some of the products mentioned are PR samples. This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts are my own.