The Spring Clean | Declutter Your Space

Spring is approaching and we've finally got some warm(ish) weather breaking through in the UK – my hands may still be blue but the sun is making it's annual appearance. Not only am I on a sudden impulsive mission to clean every surface in sight, I'm starting to feel the signs of the declutter bug. This time of year always makes me want to refresh and revamp my space, not only for the aesthetics but to defog and recharge my mind, too.

For me, getting the chance to tidy and add order into my surroundings adds excitement like no other to my day (hello, capsule wardrobe fans). However, I have come to realise that this may not be the case for everybody – just how some of you don't find throwing everything into the bed and sorting into different piles isn't pleasurable, I'll never know. So here are my tips to keep on track and make the most of your Spring clean:

  • Put aside a day where you will not be distracted – and keep it as a priority (this tip is inspired by my mother who has the immaculate ability to find 100 other tasks to complete before she focuses on the task at hand).
  • Prioritise this time – outside influences are inevitable and may become tempting and decluttering may not always seem like the most important (or, let's be real, most enjoyable) option, but you can't keep it on the back-burner forever (unless you're The Junk Lady from Labyrinth).
  • Focus on one 'section' at a time – this may be your desk, wardrobe, under-bed or, God forbid, misc. drawer, but remaining focused on one task at a time will keep the process from becoming daunting or overwhelming.
  • Make it fun – burn essentials oils or a scented candle and play your favourite music (I usually opt for something upbeat or that I can sing along to) or podcast.
  • Add your workout to the mix – instead of pacing around moving stuff back and forth, make it a dance! Or, if you're seated on the floor, sit in lotus and give your hamstrings a stretch at the same time. It's a two-in-one.
  • Take breaks – this'll help keep you charged and motivated and give you a chance to take a step back and reassess. Usually coming back into the room after a short break will clear up some outstanding questions and give you a new perspective.

If you're not big into cleaning there's not much that'll get you hyped for your Spring cleaning date, but these tips will help you actually get it done so that you're free to enjoy your renovated space.