Scheduling for Creativity

As complex humans with a multitude of ever-changing goals, habits, and priorities, we often find ourselves in a creative slump. This can be especially true when you're expressing yourself through creative mediums on a weekly or daily basis, like blogging. When creativity drifts, we can easily find ourselves pulling from thin resources – a habitual 'monthly favourites' post, a review of something we don't really feel passionate about, or another copy-and-paste tag post. When this happens, it can be deflating as our previous zeal dwindles.

So in charge the planners, note pads, organisers, and bullet journals. These all seem like great ways to keep on track and not let a last-minute panic about what to publicise attack us again. It's often thought, however, that planning diminishes creativity. Scheduling in time to "be creative" goes against everything we've learned about creativity. 

Often I find the opposite is true.

Instead of stifling imagination, it can bring it to another level. If you're in a time crunch and have to think of a post within a short timeframe, your mind is not totally focused on the many possible creative channels. You'll be stressed and anxious, lending your brain to be focused elsewhere and not totally absorbed in the creative process. On the other hand, if you've scheduled time aside particularly for your craft, you're mind is free to wonder where it likes without distraction or nervousness.

Of course having creative bursts cannot be planned and you should take full advantage of those moments whether they fit into your plan or not – be flexible where necessary – but if you've not had a bout of inspiration and your deadline is approaching, make sure you've got enough time to let your mind wonder and the creative juices flow.

So much of life is taken up by visual or auditory stimulation that we're not utilizing the power of silence. This is key to create thinking and our next genius idea. So set aside some quiet time where your mind can rest and drift and... do it's thing. You'll be amazed at what you come up with.