A Menstrual Cup for First Timers

Are you a menstrual cup beginner with first timer jitters? You’re not alone, there are plenty of people curious about menstrual cups but a little anxious about giving them a go and diving into the reusable period products world. Although period cups have been on the market for decades now, they’re still fairly new to general society after gaining popularity in the past couple of years.

I’m a massive fan of menstrual cups and believe them to be a huge leap forwards for menstrual hygiene. Not only are they designed by period-havers for period-havers, making them some of the most practical and comfortable designs on the market - we went too long wearing products designed by people who don’t even have a uterus - they’re also endlessly reusable, making them a sustainable once-in-a-lifetime purchase that helps put a stop to the wastefulness of disposables… and you’ll never have to remember to buy more! They’re also generally safer and more hygienic than other common period products that include chemicals like bleach, perfume, pesticides, chlorine and asbestos. They’re super soft and flexible so you can use them with comfort as well as trying a number of different folding techniques for insertion. And they come with a little nib at the bottom to help you remove the cup which can be cut to a short length or removed completely if you find you don’t need it - everyone’s cervix is a different height which can mean you might find the nib more or less helpful.

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But if you’re a first-timer or a little hesitant to try it for yourself, Ovio are making it as easy as possible to get comfy with your menstrual cup. They offer a personal lubricant with your period cup so that you can practice inserting and removing it with comfort and ease. And if you’ve been hovering over the purchase button but aren’t quite sure you’re getting the right size, Ovio are taking the worry away by offering free replacements if you think you’ve bought the wrong size… no questions asked! So you can feel confident taking the leap and trying your first menstrual cup with the confidence of knowing that your practice will be safe and comfortable and you can always switch to a better fitting cup without hassle.

As a sustainability advocate I am a supporter of innovative design and technologies that allow us to have access to more sustainable and eco-friendly items that bring us closer to living more in alignment with earth conscious values. And for years I’ve been saying that the menstrual cup is my favourite sustainable swap, it has been since I first tried it around 8 years ago, and to this day it holds the spotlight. I only wish I had known about it sooner. I hope that if you’ve been on the fence about trying one for yourself that you take the leap and give it a go! I’ll see you on the other side with your new favourite item ;)

*this post is sponsored by Ovio